

Where can I change my logo ? To change the logo, go to the Theme options dashboard > Logos.  It is important to upload a standard logo and a retina logo for retina device. The retina logo should be 2x larger than the standard logo and it's only used o ...

How to setup playlist/discography section or add MP3 and audio files Display sticky player on page loads Go to wp-admin > pages and edit your homepage.Edit the audio player element. (Add a new one if you'd like), select the album and click auto-play. http://d.pr/i/V5VloSYou can hide the play ...

How to import demos There are 2 ways to import the demo on your website. If option 1 does not work, try option 2. OPTION 1: ONE-CLICK INSTALL -------------------------------------- Make sure the theme is installed. Then go to WP-Admin > Appea ...

How to increase the size of my logo ? Increasing the size of the logo can be done by simple custom CSS. Although providing any assistance for customized/extensive design or script coding is outside our item support, we can help you out with the CSS code because ...

How to add a link in the menu that scrolls to a page section (Anchor) First you need to create an anchor that will be the "target". With Visual Composer, it's very easy to create an anchor. 1. Click the "pen" icon of the row element you want the anchor: 2. Fill the 'ID Name for Navigation' ...

How to setup the Event Section ? Add a new Event: Go to WP-Admin > Events > Add NewEnter the title of your event, and an optional descriptions.Make sure to set your Event poster or image as the featured image: http://d.pr/i/f3klFill the textfields in the " ...

Recommended image size (resolution) Here our image recommendation for a best result with our theme. For general backgrounds1920px wide.Use the height of your choice For the Blog "Featured images":  1144 px wide.Use the height of your choice, but for best ...

How do I update the plugins ? We use 3 premium plugins packaged with our theme. When there is a new plugin version available, we (as a theme author), need to check, test and make sure that new version is fully functional with our theme. Once tested, we re ...

Responsive Website using Revolution Slider Sometimes, your texts and images do not behave exactly how you'd like. 99% of the case, its because you havent checked or noticed the settings for the responsive settings in Revolution Slider. First, make sure its enable ...

How to translate the theme in your own language ? Translate in your own language Download and Install PoEdit software: https://poedit.net/Unzip the theme file you have downloaded from ThemeForest.In the folder /Theme/ you will see the theme .zip file. Unzip it as well. ...

When installing the theme it says "Are you sure you want to do this ?" There are 2 different causes for this issue. If you are installing your theme from the WordPress theme dashboard, but get a message that says “Are you sure you want to do this?”, most likely your web server is configured ...

How to change the background color or background image Our theme has many ways to change background images or colours. Changing the overall background: To change the overall background image or colour go to the Theme options dashboard > Look and Feel. You can set the overall ba ...

How do I update my theme ? First of all, do a backup on your local computer. Usually. the update installs within seconds and cause zero problems, but it's better to be safe than sorry. There is a lot of tool and plugins available to help you to do th ...

How to change the Slug or page URL of my page? You have created a page and the slug name doesn't match the page name. It has an undesirable "-2" which is added. You are trying to remove it but you can't. Most often, the reason is that your permalink is already in use. ...

How to embed a SoundCloud Player into my pages ? To setup SoundCloud on the homepage, you have several options but here are 2 easy options:  1) Embedding the player into a text area widget Go to soundcloud.com. follow this FAQ to embed the player. http://help.soundcloud. ...

How I change hard-coded texts? Some texts in our theme are hard-coded, like back and next buttons or labels days, hours, minutes from the countdown. You can't find an option to edit them on the wp-admin dashboard. So how we can customize them without modi ...

There are codes showing up on my page ? My site is broken! What's wrong ? Make sure that all the plugins are activated, in particular: WPBakery Page Builder (Formerly known as Visual Composer) and the theme's plugin (eg: Croma-Music or Iron-Music or SoundRise-Music, etc..)

How to get my Twitter API Keys ? In order to use a Twitter feed on your website, you need to tell Twitter that you are the owner of account used. To do this, you need to create a Twitter Application. Here's the steps Creating a Twitter Application The T ...

What is WPBakery Page Builder and how to use it ? WPBakery Page Builder is a premium plugin that comes for free with some of our theme such as FWRD, Lush, Croma and SoundRise. With WPBakery Page Builder, you can build and design page layout without a line of code. The best ...

How to make parallax effect with Visual Composer? 1. Click on the "Edit row" icon where you want your background image appear. 2. Activate the parallax option.  3. Select the "Design Options" tab. 4. Insert a background image. 5. Then create a row INTO thi ...

How to Add Custom Font and Typography 1) Paste this code into Custom CSS field. This will tell your theme to load a custom font. @font-face { font-family: 'MyWebFont'; src: url('http://yoursite.com/fonts/webfont.eot'); / IE9 Compat Modes / src: ...

How to duplicate Events, Playlists, Artists, Posts and Custom-Posts First, you need to install a plugin called "Duplicate Post". - Go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Install Plugins > Add New- Search for "Duplicate Post", install and activate it. Select Custom Posts you need to duplicate.- Go ...

How to activate the child theme ? The child theme comes with the full package that you can download from ThemeForest. Make sure that you previously uploaded the main theme before installing the child theme. Step-by-step guide: 1. Go to your download tab ...

My site reverted back to default ! I lost all my customization. Make sure that all the plugins are activated, in particular: WPBakery Page Builder (Formerly known as Visual Composer) and the theme's plugin (eg: Croma-Music or Iron-Music or SoundRise-Music, etc..)

I can't activate a plugin. Where is the license key ? Is it included with your theme ? Sometimes, plugins will ask you to enter a Licence Key or API Key. Well, you don't need a licence key or API key to activate it. The plugin will still work even if you don't have that licence key.The licence key or API key is ...

Facebook display an unwanted preview of my image and text. The easy way to manage the site preview that shows up on Facebook is the free plugin Yoast SEO. With this plugin, you will be able to display what you want onto the preview and it will help you to improve your site’s SEO.  ...

How can I align background image on a specific side. (Especially on mobile device) WPBakery doesnt have the option to align background as we want but we can add one of those extra class in the "extra class name" field to customize the background position. bg-left-topbg-left-centerbg-left-bottombg-right-to ...

How to optimize and speed up your website Here's an article about optimizing your website and make it faster. If you experience slow issue, this article is for you: Use the "Dynamic CSS into Static Stylesheet's" theme option. Our theme options and individual page o ...

How can I change the menu text color and the menu background color All menu settings are located to wp-admin>THEME NAME> menu options. We can change the text color into the "Main item Typography" settings. If we want, we can apply a background color to the menu container. Another backg ...