
How to setup playlist/discography section or add MP3 and audio files

Display sticky player on page loads

  1. Go to wp-admin > pages and edit your homepage.
  2. Edit the audio player element. (Add a new one if you'd like), select the album and click auto-play. http://d.pr/i/V5VloS
  3. You can hide the player to avoid it to shows up in your page by disabling its parent's column: http://d.pr/i/Zx2kEt

Starting the player from Slider Revolution.

We sometimes use a "Play" button in the big banner on the homepage. The play button needs to be linked to an audio player on your homepage. 

  1. Edit your homepage and edit the audio player you will see there.
  2. Choose the album you want to use when the Play button is clicked from Slider Revolution.
  3. To tell Slider Revolution which player you want to fire when you click on the play button, go to wp-admin > Slider Revolution and edit the slide.
  4. Select the play button and go to the action tab. http://d.pr/i/kqmWfe
  5. Notice the "0" in this code? This means that the first player that shows on your homepage will be fired so make sure that your homepage player is above all the other player on your homepage.

Add an audio player to a page:

  1. Go to WP-Admin > Pages and edit the page of your choice (ex: Homepage)
  2. Make sure you are using the Backend editor mode: http://d.pr/i/7fOA
  3. Add a new row
  4. Into this row, add an Audio Player widget: http://d.pr/i/14zQt
  5. Make sure to choose the album (or multiple albums) you want to play in your page. http://d.pr/i/1jEA7

Add MP3s, and create new albums and playlists.

  1. Go to WP-Admin > Playlist/Albums > Add New
  2. Enter the title of your album and an optional description.
  3. Make sure to set your album cover as the featured image: http://d.pr/i/19Lv4
  4. Fill the text fields under Album Infos with your own content.
  5. Upload your MP3 for each track you have for that album. Only MP3 files are allowed.
  6. Save it.

Create a Music page and shows your album into it:

  1. Go to WP-Admin > Pages > Add New
  2. Add a new element called Essential Grid and select the pre-defined grid you have previously imported with the demo. http://d.pr/i/LPp6ZH 
  3. Save your page.
  4. To edit the grid's size or the number of columns, etc. go to wp-admin > Ess. Grid > and edit the predefined grid you'd like.

See the full documentation of Essential Grid here: https://www.themepunch.com/essgrid-doc/essential-grid-documentation/